Initiated in 2005 by Eugene Washington, then-provost at UCSF, the Research Advisory Board (RAB) is charged to identify research-related issues that are important to UCSF investigators and work with the office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (VCR) on improving operations that affect research.
The RAB includes members of the faculty, administrative staff from departments, and representatives from across the EVCP organization. Operationally, the RAB identifies items of importance to the research community, invites experts within the campus to elucidate issues, and recommends actions, including changes to policies and procedures.
The RAB serves as a sounding board for both the office of the VCR and the research community, and it facilitates the flow of information between faculty and staff, meeting quarterly and appointing subcommittees that may meet separately.
- View the current RAB roster
- Submit topics to RAB for discussion at upcoming meetings by completing this form